Participants in this FAPESP thematic project:
Sadhan Kumar Adhikari (coordenator)
INTRODUCTION: At low enough temperature
(practically 0 K) all the fermions also fall into the lowest quantum
orbitals obeying Pauli principle filling the quantum orbitals to a
certain energy called Fermi energy. But such a system does not develop
superfluidity unless there is an attractive atomic interaction. The
superfluidity of a dilute gas of cold fermions in the presence of a weak
atomic attraction was explained by Leggett (as suggested by Anderson)
using the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) equation. (The BCS equation
was used to explain superconductivity in case of charged fermionic
electrons. Now it is realized that superconductivity and superfluidity
are manifestations of the same fermionic phenomenon at low temperature.
The manifestation is superfluidity for neutral atoms and
superconductivity for charged particles.)
Such study is even
more interesting in the case of fermions as our universe is constituted
of fermions. Practically, all theories of the fermions from nuclear and
hadronic physics to the study of neutron stars and black holes assume
the limit of weak interactions. Now it is possible to reach the limit of
strong interaction of cold superfluid fermions in laboratory using a
Feshbach resonance. (Near a Feshbach resonance it is possible to easily
increase the atomic interaction to a very large value and attain the
limit of strongest interaction called unitarity.) This gives the
opportunity test the applicability of existing theories in this limit.
1. Of special interest is the study of superfluidity in dipolar atoms with
magnetic dipole moment interacting via angle-dependent anisotropic
interaction. Because of this anisotropic interaction among dipolar atoms,
the dipolar BEC has many peculiar properties. Below
I describe two of my current activities.
(a) Solitons in dipolar BEC:
Elastic collision of two bright and vortex solitons of dipolar
BECs at high velocity of 1 cm/s
Molecule formation from two bright and vortex solitons of dipolar
BECs placed side by side
(b) Anisotropic sound and shock waves in a dipolar BEC:
Luis Ever Young-S (collaborator)
At sufficiently
low temperature and pressure
atoms become quantum particles and obey quantum
statistics. These atoms could be bosons (H,⁴He,⁷Li etc) or fermions (³He,⁶Li etc). In the case of
bosons, below a critical temperature one could have the formation of a
new quantum state of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC,
predicted by Bose and Einstein), which exhibit many peculiar properties.
The BEC is formed when a finite fraction of all the atoms fall into the
lowest quantum orbital. The BEC exhibits superfluidity and is a fluid
with no viscosity and when rotated it easily generates a lattice of
vortices (first considered by Abrikosov). The properties of a weakly
interacting dilute BEC can be described by a nonlinear Schrödinger
equation written by Gross and Pitaevskii.
As the superfluid phase of cold atoms are quantum objects and has
large size of at least 10s of microns, we can observe and study many
quantum processes in laboratory, which could otherwise be conceived in
the context of atoms and fundamentamental particles in the imagination
of theoreticians. Among these phenomena are quantum phase transition at
0 K without requiring heat, creation of coherent atom laser, generation
of a vortex lattice, creation of a lattice of pure atoms to study solid
state physics in a controlled fashion, etc. etc.
I presently study various
properties of bosonic and fermionic superfluids, such as, superfluidity
and other properties at unitarity, vortices and solitons in superfluids,
Anderson localization of bosonic superfluids, Josephson oscillation and
self trapping in superfluids, collapse in superfluids in the presence of
attractive interaction, etc. etc.
We are currently engaged in the study of soliton formation in
BEC of dipolar atoms with large dipolar
interaction. Normal solitons are formed for attractive atomic
interaction. Because of peculiar properties of dipolar interaction
strange things can happen. In the cigar-shaped elongated
configuration the dipolar
interaction leads to attraction, as many dipoles placed on a linear
chain attract each other. Consequently, a cigar-shaped
dipolar BEC could be attractive even for a finite
repulsive atomic interaction. We have studied the dynamics of
bright solitons formed in cigar-shaped dipolar BECs with repulsive atomic interactions. We also predicted vortex
solitons in cigar-shaped dipolar BECs with
repulsive atomic interactions and studied their collision dynamics. We
find that the collision is elastic at large velocities of about 1 cm/s
and two such solitons form a soliton molecule at low velocities.
The interaction among the atoms in a BEC is essential for the propagation
of sound
(a noise or perturbation). The larger the interaction, the
larger is the velocity of such propagation. However, the interaction in
a dipolar BEC is direction dependent. As a consequence, sound
and shock waves propagate in a dipolar condensate with different velocity
in different directions. If we take the polarization of the dipoles along
$z$ axis, the sound velocity is different along $x$ and $z$ directions.
If a supersonic plane or bullet flies a shock wave with a Mach angle is
generated. If in a uniform dipolar BEC a tiny object (laser) moves at
supersonic speed a shock wave is generated. We studied the generation of this
shock wave. If the tiny object moves with a fixed speed along $x$ or $z$
direction the shock waves are distinct in these case as can be seen in the
following video. This theoretically studied effect might be expected in
a dipolar BEC, but it is yet to be confirmed in experiment.