Some background
Photos Humor Hobbies
Romanian stuff Links
Research Lecture notes:
· Hi! And welcome to my homepage. I hope you will
enjoy the stuff you will find here. I am a Researcher
(Assistant Professor) in the Instituto de Fisica Teorica
at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Here are some things about me:
I was born in Bucharest, Romania and finished high school at the
'Nicolae Balcescu' High School (now 'St. Sava National College' ).
I did my undergraduate studies at the Physics Dept. of the Bucharest
University, from where I graduated in 1995. The last year I studied
at the Niels Bohr Institute ( NBI ), Copenhagen University , with a
scholarship which continued in the following year. In 1996 I joined
Physics Dept.
of S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook in
my PhD in May 2000. From 2000 to 2002 I was a postdoc at the
Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ, USA and from
2002 to 2006 I was at Brown University in Providence, RI, USA,
first as a postdoc (2002-2003) and then as a Assistant Professor of
Research. Between 2006-2009 I was an Assistant Professor at the
Global Edge Institute, in the Tokyo Institute of Technology in
Tokyo, Japan, associated with the Physics Department. In 2010
I joined the Instituto de Fisica Teorica.
My researchand
physics interests
(string theory in the view
(and in the view of Robbert
Brian Greene)
-for non-experts
-for the experts
-my professional CV
-Some notes
-Online talks
-Math and Physics exams in Romania
String theory for laymen links
-"The official string theory
website" by Patricia Schwarz, John
Schwarz's wife
-"Beyond string
theory" Jan Troost's website
My highschool classmates' e-group (in romanian,
of course...).
my friends (in Stony Brook and in Princeton)
pictures of our group in Princeton
by comparison:
Stefan Luchian, "Peisaj cu casa de tara" (Landscape Nicolae
Grigorescu, "Taranca
with village houses), Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu, vesela"
(Merry peasant woman)
Maramures church from "Muzeul satului"
(Museum of
the Romanian Village), Bucharest.
Here are some jokes sent a few years ago by a friend. They
are a compilation related to physics, mathematics, engineering,
chemistry, etc., a lot of them inside jokes (some of them I don't
understand myself-like the ones related to computers). Enjoy!
If you are a string theorist (or at least had some interest in it),
or if you are into Star Trek, check out Warren Siegel 's
homepage. (he is a Proffesor at YITP in Stony Brook)
newspapers and media
-Romanian newspapers and online radio listings
Romanian culture
Romanian neolithic art: "Ganditorul " By comparison, "The Thinker"
(the thinker) and "Femeie Sezand" (sit- of Auguste Rodin., 1881.
ting woman), of Hamangia culture, app.
5000 B.C. Romanian Museum of Natio-
nal History
Muse", by Constantin Brancusi
"Coloana infinitului" (The
(1918), one of the fathers of mo-
endless column), at Targu
dern sculpture. Notice the evolu-
Jiu, Romania, 1937, also
tion of art since 5000 B.C....
by Constantin Brancusi.
And another great
column from Romania's history, Trajan's
column, Rome. Brancusi
made a connection between the
past and the
future in more than one way.
-Detroit Romanian cultural organization (good Romanian overview)
-Biblioteca romaneasca(virtual library and cultural center; links to other cultural sites)
-Editura Teora(technical oriented publishing house)
-Editura Humanitas(humanistic oriented publishing house)
-Prima Pagina(good starting point for links to anything romanian)
-Divertis (The best of Romanian humor- Divertis group-they have some mp3's as well)
-Magazinul Victoria (Romanian virtual shop in USA)
-Romanian Village (a guide to Romanian diaspora)
-Romanian Roots (New England
romanian association)
New York Art
-Metropolitan Opera
-New York Philharmonic
-Metropolitan Museum of Art
of some friends
-Onur's (Onur T. Mentes)
-Natasa's (Natasa Stojic)
-Todd's (Todd Brun)
-Sav's (Savdeep Sethi)
(Sanjaye Ramgoolam)
-old page (at Brown)
-Artur's (Artur Adib)
-Ionut's (my cousin Ionut Grigorescu)
links: -Princeton University
-High Energy Group at the Physics Dept. of Princeton University
Providence links:
Last updated:20/08/10
Disclaimer:Any opinions expressed in this page are mine and not those of UNESP.
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