I am a theoretical physicist presently working in mathematical-biology and complex systems, with applications to ecology and epidemiology. Besides, I still do research on nonlinear dynamics of water-waves.
I accept students through the Graduate Studies Program at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, São Paulo State University. Applications are welcome for Masters and PhD studiies. If you are interested, please contact me.
If you are interested in a post-doc position, feel free to inquiry about one by e-mail.
I organize a summer school on Mathematical-Biology every year in January or February. Go to the summer school link above to know more.
Research Interests and Ongoing Projects
1. Diffusion in Fragmented or Limited Habitats.
This research line is a classical subject in mathematical-biology, involving models using reaction-difusion equations and generalizations. It concerns also topics in ecology, like local extinctions, invasive species, connectivity and interacting species in space and time.
2. Models and Data in Epidemiology
We are interested in infectious disease dynamics, with a view to real world applications. We study models and compare tehm with data. Recently, we have been engaged in new frameworks that use recent avances in time-series analysis to seek causality relations between infectious diseases and environmental/climatic factors.
3. Other.
Nonlinear Waves and hydrodynamics, polulation biology, water-reservoirs and early warning signals of critical transitions.
differential equations, ordinary and partial, numerics, time-series analysis, networks.