Gravitational Wave Group

Job Opportunities

Permanent positions

IFT-UNESP -- ICTP-SAIFR should be hiring soon. Keep an eye on this page


One post-doc position is now open in the IFT-UNESP -- ICTP-SAIFR GW group, with deadline December 15th, 2024 in the field of classical amplitudes and EFT for gravity.
Using effective field theory methods to model the classical, gravitational two-body problem has shown new insights into General Relativity.
The selected candidate is expected to work in developing the connection of the amplitude program to the physics of gravitational waves. Apply here and insert the code EFTGW when prompted "Please write why you would like to be a postdoc at ICTP-SAIFR".


There is no PhD position available at the moment, consider subscribing at this page . Next opening scheduled for May 2025. A good grade at Exame unificado will be positively considered.

Doutorado direto

Positions for Doutorado Direto are available at any time, in case of interest please inquire with


There is no Master position available at the moment, consider subscribing at this page . Next opening scheduled to open in May 2025.

Iniciação científica

Positions for Iniciação Científica are available at any time, in case of interest please inquire with