Post-Doc positions available
Calls for TWAS-Post-doc and PhD studentships within the CNPq-TWAS call.
Ph.D. and Post-Doc positions available within the Science without borders program and
Collaboration with Uppsala University
More information here
We have a number of opportunities for young motivated candidates to persue a Masters, a Ph.D. or to work with us as a Post-doc.
Interested candidates should get in touch to discuss possible projects.
Interested candidates must first be accepted in either the Graduate Programme in Physics at IFT-UNESP (those with a strong Physics background) or the Nanoscience and Advanced Materials Programme at Universidade Federal do ABC (Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Engineering Majors). More information about application procedures can be found on the programme's website.
Interested candidates must first be accepted in either the Graduate Programme in Physics at IFT-UNESP (those with a strong Physics background) or the Nanoscience and Advanced Materials Programme at Universidade Federal do ABC (Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Engineering Majors). More information about application procedures can be found on the programme's website.
Contact Details:
Dr. Alexandre Reily Rocha
Instituto de Física Teórica
Universidade Estadual Paulista - Júlio de Mesquita Neto
Barra Funda
São Paulo - SP
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Alexandre Reily Rocha