

A little bit about graphene (in Portuguese)


Alex Reily Rocha gave an invited talk at the the APS March Meeting entitled Non-equilibrium efects at solvated interfaces under an applied external bias


Ernane Martins presented his Ph.D. thesis


Ernane Martins' poster was selected as second runner up at the Materials 4.0 workshop in Dresden

Oct. 19th

Claudio Padilha's thesis - co-supervised by Alex Reily Rocha - was selected by CAPES as the best Ph.D. thesis in Brazil in the area of multidisciplinary sciences.

Oct. 31st - Nov. 2nd

Alex Reily Rocha is going to give a series of lectures on transport at the International Institute of Physics in Natal.

September 27th

The work of Claudio Padilha, one of the former students in the group, on memristors was the subject a piece in "Revista FAPESP" (Portuguese). This work was done in collaboration with Prof. Gustavo Dalpian from UFABC.

September 1st

Alex Reily Rocha is going for a Sabbatical at MIT with Professor Heather Kulik of the Department of Chemical Engineering

August 1st

Armando Pezo had his Master's dissertation approved by the committee. He has now an M.Sc. from IFT.

July 14th

Our paper in collaboration with the MackGraphe group is now out in Nature Communications. Kudos do Cesar Villegas, second author (with a star) of the paper.